Saturday, July 12, 2014

RAW Berry Curd Cake

Tekstuurilt väga meenutab kohupiima kooki. Suviselt marjane ja värske magustoit!!

Vaja läheb:


* 1 kruus mandleid
* 1 kruus datleid
* 1/3 kruusi kookoshelbeid

Purusta köögikombainis ja vajuta lahtikäiva koogivormi põhja. Pane kõrvale.


* vaarikaid
* mustikaid

Viska marjad koogipõhjale ja magusama elamuse soovi juhul nirista õrnalt agaavi-/vahtrasiiupiga üle!


* u 2 kruusi leotatud india- ja makadaamiapähkli segu
* 2 pehmet avokaadot
* u 2/3 kruusi agaavi-/ vahtrasiirupit
* u 1 tl spirulina pulbrit (roheline värvus, annab juurde mõnusa maitse ja on super tervislik)
* u 1/2 kruusi veevannil sulatatud kookosõli

Püreesta ja vala marjakihi peale. Pane sügavkülmikusse tahenema umbes kuni kaheks tunniks.
Kaunista ohtra koguse marjade ja muu ilusaga!

Mina kasutasin:
* chia seemneid
* musti mooniseemneid
* mooruspuumarju
* mustikaid
* vaarikaid
* kookoshelbeid



Its texture sort of reminds me of curd cake. A very berryish and refreshing cake, perfect for summer picnics!


for the crust:

* 1 cup almonds
* 1 cup dates
* 1/3 cup shredded coconut

Pulse them in food processor until sticky and press into an openable cake pan. Set aside.

for the berry layer:

* blueberries
* raspberries

Throw them on the crust and for an even sweeter taste you can drizzle them over with some agave-/maple syrup.

for the curd:

* approx. 2 cups soaked cashew- and macadamian nut- mix
* 2 ripe avocados
* approx. 2/3 cup agave-/maple syrup
* approx. 1 tsp spirulina powder (gives the lovely green colour, adds a nice taste to it, plus is super healthy!)
* approx. 1/2 melted coconut oil

Blend and pour over the berry layer. Leave in freezer for until two hours. Decorate with lots of berries and other pretty stuff!

I did it with some:
* chia seeds
* black poppy seeds
* white mulberries
* blueberries
* raspberries
* shredded coconut


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